
Showing posts from May, 2020

Dipak Nandi M.D - Telemedicine a Potential Solution in This Time of COVID – 19 Crises

Ensuring that patients with Covid-19 and all the physically and mentally ailing patients receive the care they need, the telemedicine platform has given a complete access to everyone. Directly influence the flattening of the curve for the spread of the contagious corona virus, the telemedicine platform today is recognized as a mandatory technology for any epidemic response or crisis. Being the perfect solution in this crisis time of self-isolated or social distancing, the telemedicine platform today is known for distance monitoring and treatment, following –up on the patients after been discharged within the comfort of their home etc.  Giving a complete support to the needed patients, the telemedicine platform for all the physicians also proves to be an efficient in cross-border experience exchanges, second opinion for severe cases, online training for health workers solution etc. Equally being used as a mental health support tool for patients and health workers who ha...

Dipak Nandi M.D: Telemedicine Platform an Effective Support to The Healthcare Industry

Creating a state of panic and concern for all the counties around the world the contiguous corona virus has taken a toll on the economy, healthcare industry and even in people’s mental health situation.  According to the World Health Organization, situation report of 7th of May 2020, a total number of 11, 93,452 confirmed cases have been reported in the United States of America itself, with a claimed death of 65,197 people still date. At this time when healthcare providers are fighting to satisfy the surge in demand due pandemic virus, the telemedicine platform is like a blessing to the healthcare industry. In fact, Dipak Nandi M.D , a renowned Psychiatrist himself on seeing the increasing level of mental health issues has suggested of getting telemedicine platform help for coping all the social securities issues, anxiety, depression issues etc.    Protecting patients, physicians and the community from exposure, the telemedicine platform is a 21st-centur...