Dipak Nandi M.D: On The aftermath of The Coronavirus Crisis

In an online discussion with Vibhuti Jha for a program, Dipak Nandi M.D, a renowned psychiatrist and entrepreneur, who is currently working on the coronavirus patient & providing mental health treatment said to encounter at least two to three new cases every day; dealing with severe cases of depression or anxiety due to the outburst of the corona virus crisis.

In fact, people being overwhelmed with the uncertainty from the effect of corona virus not only leading them to severe depression and anxiety but also leading to a lot of drug usage. Even processing disability has also been seen as a consequence of being quarantine for this contagious corona virus.    In fact in Renee’s report, psychiatrist Dipak Nandi has pointed out some measures for combating the aftermath of the corona virus crisis.

As to helping people so that they no longer experience the first onset of psychosis pattern, especially in young Indian people who lack social and financial securities.  Helping them to control their feeling of depression and anxiety Dipak Nandi the MD, psychiatrist has, in fact, asked people to eliminate unnecessary information and confusing messages as it often leads to processing disability. In fact, one should restrict the amount of time they consume on reading or watching things which aren't making you feel better.
Following all your regular normal routine like getting up early, having proper breakfast along following meditation or yoga is, in fact, is highly appreciated.

However, as the usage of an excessive amount of drugs is not the solution that can help, psychiatrist Dipak Nandi emphasized more on getting help from the telemedicine platform. Offering complete support to both physical and mental health issues, the telemedicine platform is not only known for time-saving and being cost-effective solution but also for connecting physicians and patients seamlessly.


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